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Tuesday’s Headlines: Towering News Edition

Here's a big story — by size at least: The city is reconsidering the massive design of those new 5G cell towers. Plus other news.

March 12, 2024

Monday’s Headlines: Gun Control in the Subway Edition

The big news yesterday was that Gov. Hochul disarmed the National Guard of its long assault weapons. But there was other news.

March 11, 2024

Thursday’s Headlines: Blank Checks Edition

The big news on Wednesday was a real restriction on freedom of movement in the supposed name of battling crime. Plus other news.

March 7, 2024

Wednesday’s Headlines: Twisted Statistics Edition

Cyclist deaths hit a 23-year high in 2023 — but if you ask the New York Times, that grim statistic comes with a big asterisk. Plus more news.

March 6, 2024

Tuesday’s Headlines: Don’t Block Bike Advocates Edition

Tweet kids afraid to read your tweets. Plus other news in today's headlines.

March 5, 2024

Monday’s Headlines: Trash Talk from The NY Times Edition

The best story over the weekend was a long feature story in the Times about the "absurd" problem of trash collection in New York City.

March 4, 2024

Friday’s Headlines: Closing the Bike Share Black Hole Edition

Council Member Lincoln Restler has negotiated with local religious leaders to add Citi Bike docks to south Williamsburg. Plus other news.

March 1, 2024

Wednesday’s Headlines: Cycle of Rage Edition

Tuesday was a busy morning on the "criminal mischief" beat. Plus other news.

February 28, 2024

Tuesday’s Headlines: Once and Forever, Congestion Pricing is a Good Thing Edition

Entitled Manhattanites who oppose the central business district toll are the most misguided, it turns out. Plus other news.

February 27, 2024