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DOT Rolls Out Four New 20 MPH Speed Limit Zones
Four more New York City neighborhoods will become 20 mph speed limit zones this year, city officials said on Wednesday.
It’s Official: Mayoral Candidate Adrienne Adams Decimated Outdoor Dining
The city has authorized just 600 restaurants and bars to set up curbside when roadway outdoor dining resumes April 1.
Manhattan Community Boards Unite in Call for 34th St. Busway
The leaders of Manhattan Community Boards 4, 5 and 6 want Mayor Adams to put a busway on "the entire length" of 34th Street.
Culture of Can’t: What Happened to Mayor Adams’s Promise for Secure Bike Parking?
Will the city's first real safe bike parking project flounder?
Mayor Adams Abruptly Calls Off Planned Queensboro Bridge Pedestrian Path Opening
The Queensboro Bridge's long-awaited pedestrian path was in the works to open this weekend — until Mayor Adams intervened.
DOT Report Reveals How Eric Adams Kneecapped Progress on Bus and Bike Lanes
The agency offers an explanation for its shortcomings, even trotting out a "We told you so" from the former mayor's transportation commissioner.
EXCLUSIVE: City Will Let Mopeds Use Queensboro and Brooklyn Bridge Roadways
DOT hopes to prevent conflicts between moped and bike riders by allowing the former on the main roadways on the Brooklyn Bridge and Queensboro Bridge.
Cross-Bronx Cap ‘Potentially Feasible’ — But Expensive: Report
Here's a plan for a highway that isn't a scar. Now all we need is the money.
Community Boards, Lawmakers Flex Regained Powers to Stall Outdoor Dining
It's a long and winding road just to set up some tables and chairs.
Greenpoint and Williamsburg Beg DOT for 20MPH Slow Zone
Since the state legislature allowed New York City to drop the speed limit, only one zone — Manhattan below Canal Street — has gotten the safety improvement.