Friday Video
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Friday Video: Understanding What’s Going on at That Full Citi Bike Rack
Citi Bike racks serve hundreds of people every day. So just because it might be full when you see it, doesn't mean it's not being used.
Friday Video: A Very Cogent Argument Against E-Bike Registration
... And it's from a Canadian (he's so polite!).
Friday Video: Meet the British Cyclist Doing His Own ‘Criminal Mischief’ Campaign
Meeting England's version of our editor Gersh Kuntzman.
Friday Video: How Great a City Can Be with Congestion Pricing
Cities with congestion pricing are great places to live, work, bike and walk. See why.
Friday Video: Wider Bike Lanes on Second Avenue
The Department of Transportation has made some excellent improvements on the long-dangerous roadway. Check them out.
Friday Video: What if We Let Bike Haters on Social Media Plan Our Cities?
Spoiler: Nothing good!
Friday Video: Busting the ‘City of Yes’ Myths
There are many lies being told about Mayor Adams's City of Yes rezoning plan. So let's debunk them together!
Friday Video: Full Frontal NYC
Watch a trip from Main Street to Hudson Yards from the 7-operator's-eye-view. It's very Zen.