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Wind in their Sales: Congestion Pricing is No ‘Toll’ on the Broadway Box Office
Despite doom prognostications, congestion pricing has not hurt Broadway's bottom line a bit — and, in fact, may be boosting it.
Sound Vision: Two Broadway Blocks To Get Permanent Upgrades
"We’re really looking to create a premier public space," said the DOT's Public Realm Unit acting lead. All right then!
Friday’s Headlines: The Incredible Shrinking Governor Edition
Honey, she shrunk herself. Plus other news.
They’re Driving To America: Neil Diamond Musical’s Anti-Congestion Pricing Stunt Irks New Yorkers
It's a song sung blue: A Broadway producer is so opposed to congestion pricing that he'll refund the still-non-existent toll to see his show.
Broadway Vision: Watch 15 Years of Transformation in a Single Streetfilm
It's hard to see the big picture of just what has been accomplished between Times and Union squares. That's where Clarence Eckerson Jr. comes in.
Two Paths Forward: Broadway Shows What Could Be on Fifth Avenue
It's time to widen Fifth Avenue's sidewalks and add a protected bike lane. Delays hurt everyone.
‘Broadway Vision’ Could Mean Bike Boulevard Near Union Square
How about a two-way bike- and pedestrian-friendly route on the city's most famous roadway?
Eyes on the Street: DOT’s ‘Broadway Vision’ Shines Bright This Summer
Broadway today still isn't quite the "linear park" some urbanist dreamers envision, but it's been dramatically transformed from what it once was — for the better.