Protected Bike Lanes
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Community Board Wants Protected Bike Lane on Empire Blvd.
Brooklyn Community Board 9 wants city to upgrade Empire Boulevard's frequently blocked bike lane, which serves as a gateway to Prospect Park.
Wednesday’s Headlines: Bike Lane Delay Edition
Remember the proposed sidewalk bike lane on Ocean Avenue? So do we. Plus other news in today's media digest.
Opinion: Connect the Dots of Manhattan’s Missing Bike Lanes
Only a few miles of missing protected lanes stand in the way of a robust bike network.
SEE IT: Streetopia’s Vision for West 72nd Street Puts People First
A new campaign aims to build support for a design that puts people over cars on the busy Upper West Side corridor.
Monday’s Headlines: Manhattan Needs Better Crosstown Bike Lanes Edition
Manhattan's crosstown protected bike lanes are a disaster. Plus more news.
SAFETY LAST: DOT Added No New Protected Bike Lanes in Four ‘Priority Districts’
"My community has been asking for it. The Commissioner has made a commitment. He needs to step up and do it now," said one Council member in Brooklyn.
Ossé: Bedford Ave. Bike Lane is Stuck in DOT’s ‘Community Engagement’ Purgatory
"Over the past couple weeks [the DOT] has been saying that they need to do more community engagement on the issue," the Council member said of the much-discussed project.
Cops Steal Park Row Bike Lanes to Store Cars, Equipment
Locals complained about cops parking on the sidewalk, so the NYPD moved into the bike lane.
To Combat NYPD Lawlessness, DOT Will Move Second Ave. Bus Lane
The plan for an "offset" bus lane also calls for a wider bike lane on one of the city's busiest bike corridors.