Pedestrian safety
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Gov. Hochul Eyes Parking Ban at Elementary Schools; Advocates Say It’s ‘Not Enough’
It's a start, but why not bring the safety benefits to the whole city?
Queensboro Bridge Pedestrians and Cyclists Still Crunched for Space Despite Congestion Pricing Launch
A rundown of the key street design changes Mayor Adams must make to take advantage of congestion pricing.
SEE IT! Two Women and a Baby Struck and Injured by a Driver in Brooklyn
Pedestrians aren't even safe in this city when they have the light and they're in a crosswalk and they see a driver coming right at them and try to get out of his way.
See It: The McGuinness Road Diet Works — But Only Where the City Installed It
The road diet works, exposing the need to extend it all the way.
DOT: Council E-Bike Registration Bill is Not Necessary to Make Streets Safer
Enforce existing laws. Keep redesigning the streets for safety. Hold delivery app companies accountable. But don't register electric bikes. That's what the DOT said on Wednesday.
Cycle of Rage: Here’s Why Your Dead Christmas Tree Should Be in the Road, Not on the Sidewalk
The opposite of a heartwarming holiday story? It's the story of Barbara Hutson, who suffered two broken arms after she tripped on some Christmas trees that should have been in the road.
Daylight Again! Council Seeks Universal Parking Ban At Intersections
The city will also have to physically protect 1,000 corners from parking each year.
Pedestrian Struck and Injured in Queens by an NYPD Traffic Agent: Cops
Police officials said that one of their traffic agents struck and injured a pedestrian in Jackson Heights on Monday night, and was not arrested.
‘Stars On Cars’ Rating System Will Finally Grade How Safe Vehicles Are For People Their Drivers Hit
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has finally changed the nation's consumer safety rating system for new automobiles to accommodate vulnerable road users.
Allowing Cars on Park Row Would — Wait for It! — Bring More Cars Downtown, DOT Says
Chinatown residents worry the move will undercut efforts to make the area more welcoming for residents and visitors.