These DOT photos [PDF] show off the revamped Bronx Hub -- the shopping district and transit nexus in Melrose that just received a slew of livable streets improvements. Planters, surfacing, and a few strategically placed concrete islands demarcate pretty substantial new swaths of pedestrian space, including a block-long plaza (shown above and in bird's eye view below). There's also a short stretch of exclusive bus territory and some interesting bike lane treatments. Follow the jump for more pics.

The plaza area shown pre-makeover, when it was traffic territory.

Is this bike route treatment an experiment in diverting car traffic while allowing cyclists to ride straight through? We have a request in with DOT to see if cyclists are supposed to dismount before entering the plaza.

North of the plaza, planters and pedestrian refuges set off space for people on foot. Note the planters in the bike lane buffer on the left (Melrose Avenue).

How about sending a Fox 5 news crew to interview satisfied pedestrians?
Photos: NYCDOT