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Promises, Promises: What the Candidates Said At The Transit Forum
Yes, the 2025 mayoral race is in full swing — which also means the candidate forum season is here, too.
River to River! DOT Will Close Dyckman Protected Bike Lane Gap
The four-block stretch will close a gap between the East and West sides of uptown Manhattan. But the agency may give in to a handful of drivers who are demanding their free parking over daylighting.
Giving Tuesday: The 2024 Sustainable Transportation Book Guide!
The previous 11-plus months have been epic for urbanism-related books. Why not buy a few for the advocates on your holiday list?
Tuesday’s Headlines: Death on the Roads Edition
The wheels of government grind slowly. Much slower than the wheels of car drivers, which grind very aggressively. Plus other news.
Astoria Residents are Fighting Car Culture One Cop at a Time
Why does this one precinct in a quiet corner of a residential neighborhood have so many high-speed police chases?
Cars Still Get in the Way of Containerized Trash Pickup
The Sanitation Department beat the rats, but its workers still have to take on parked cars.
Monday’s Headines: Both Siderism Edition
Like death and taxes, one of the great certainties of life is that the New York Times will downplay the deleterious effects of the automobile. Plus other news.
Friday’s Headlines: Post Thanksgiving Edition
We're going to take Black Friday off, but here are a few headlines to keep you going.