The first phase of DOT's Queens Boulevard redesign added a bike lane and safer pedestrian infrastructure along 1.3 miles in Woodside. The changes have made a big difference for walking and biking, and there's more on the way. This week DOT will talk about what's next for Queens Boulevard as the second phase of the redesign process addresses the area east of Roosevelt Avenue.
Check out the full calendar for a complete list of events. Here are the highlights:
- Tuesday: Last year, DOT's redesign of 1.3 miles of Queens Boulevard was a big success. Now the Queens CB 4 transportation committee, which has a troubling track record on street safety issues, will hear from DOT about phase two. 6:30 p.m.
- Wednesday: The City Council transportation committee will quiz agencies about their FY 2017 budgets. DOT will testify first, followed by the MTA, then the TLC. 10 a.m.
- Also Wednesday: The DOT plan for crosstown bike lanes on the Upper East Side consists only of thermoplastic stripes, but it still riled up some neighborhood NIMBYs a few weeks ago. The project has the support of Council Member Ben Kallos, and DOT will be showing the plan to the Community Board 8 transportation committee again this week. 6:30 p.m.
- Thursday: Safety improvements for Bedford Street west of Sixth Avenue are on the agenda of the Manhattan Community Board 2 transportation committee. 6:30 p.m.
- Saturday: NYU's Rudin Center and TransitCenter are hosting a "bus hackathon" to brainstorm innovative solutions for Staten Islands bus network. 9 a.m.
Keep your eyes on the calendar for updates. Let us know if you have an event we should know about.