Eric Adams
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Thursday’s Headlines: Just Asking Edition
Can anyone tell us why Mayor Adams decided to defend the Pope for using a gay smear? Plus other news.
Friday’s Headlines: Confirmation Consternation Edition
Life's a riot with Adams vs. Adams. Plus more news.
Adams Backs Lower Speed Limits, Calls Crashes ‘Accidents’
The mayor wants New York City drivers to "slow down," but it's not clear yet how many streets will get lower speed limits.
Adams Offers Bare Minimum to Seize Congestion Pricing’s ‘Space Dividend’ Opportunity
The mayor's list of projects supposedly meant to harness congestion pricing's expected reduction in traffic is mostly old news, according to critics.
Supporters, Mayor Rally for ‘City of Yes’ Zoning Change as it Enters Public Review Phase
The mayor's signature zoning plan is ready for review by all 59 community board, plus the city's five borough presidents and then each Council member. Advocates are worried it will be watered down.
Justice Dept., Citing Streetsblog, Threatens to Sue NYPD Over Cops’ Sidewalk Parking
The city is now facing a major civil rights suit from the Biden Administration if it doesn't eliminate illegal parking by cops and other city workers.
Randy Mastro Aspires to Join Mayor’s Inner Circle of Congestion Pricing Foes
The mayor's reported pick to run the city Law Department is former deputy mayor under Rudy Giuliani and notorious foe of bike lanes and congestion pricing.
Company That Fought McGuinness Safety Project Wants to Seize Bklyn Street for Private Backlot
Broadway Stages to Greenpoint residents: "Street safety for me, not for thee."
City: BQE Must Be Rebuilt to Last a Century … To Prevent More Pollution
Paging Mr. Orwell: Doubling down on the Robert Moses highway is actually good for neighborhoods nearby, the city claims.
Ossé: Bedford Ave. Bike Lane is Stuck in DOT’s ‘Community Engagement’ Purgatory
"Over the past couple weeks [the DOT] has been saying that they need to do more community engagement on the issue," the Council member said of the much-discussed project.