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Truth Over Fiction on Congestion Pricing: Episode I

Funding transit without a robust congestion toll will leave congestion pretty much as is ― New York will remain the globe’s most gridlocked city. Here's why.

July 3, 2024

Kathy Hochul Is Looting Two MTA Capital Plans At The Same Time

Two MTA capital programs, the current 2020-2024 plan and upcoming 2025-2029 plan, face massive funding gaps thanks to the Gridlock Gov's decision to jettison congestion pricing.

July 1, 2024

East Harlem Furious that Gov. Hochul Has Killed the Second Avenue Subway

Governor's Hochul decision to pause congestion pricing has ended up killing the second avenue subway, for which they have waited for decades.

June 26, 2024

State Comptroller: Loss of Congestion Pricing Revenue Leaves MTA With ‘No Good Options’

Gov. Hochul's indefinite cancellation of congestion pricing represents "a decline in investment in the metropolitan region’s vital transportation system," says Tom DiNapoli.

June 25, 2024

Hochul’s Congestion Pricing ‘Pause’ Lets Drivers Off the Hook and Riders Holding the Bag

Hochul's decision not to toll disproportionately wealthy drivers means fare hikes and service cuts for disproportionately working class subway and bus riders.

June 11, 2024

Subsidies For Bike-Share Would Get Huge Bang For Small Bucks: Report

Classifying bike-share as mass transit could unlock a huge state revenue stream for the popular transportation mode.

June 5, 2024

State Pols Still Haven’t Spent Millions Alloted for Transit as Congestion Pricing Looms

There's like $45 million sitting there — unspent — for outer borough transit improvements. What are state pols waiting for?

April 30, 2024

Legislators Propose More Bus Service, Transit Discounts In State Budget Negotiations

The proposals for increased bus investment are part of State Sen. Michael Gianaris and Assembly Member Zohran Mamdani's "Get Congestion Pricing Right" platform.

March 12, 2024

Advocates Slam Albany Pols for Using Transit Fund to Encourage Driving

Gov. Hochul and state legislators in Albany are spending a congestion pricing-adjacent fund on toll rebates for drivers and showing zero interest in bus or rail, transit advocates charged.

February 23, 2024

The Money For Congestion Pricing ‘Carrots’ Is Finally Here

State legislators have $46 million to spend on transportation and transit projects outside of Manhattan, so they'd better get to it.

January 24, 2024