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Council Members Want To Be Notified When City Repurposes ‘Their’ Parking
Why can't we have nice things? Because the Council wants DOT to issue more notifications whenever parking is affected.
Pizzeria Deploys School Bus to Serve Customers During Winter Curbside Dining Ban
So let's get this straight: You can eat a slice of pizza in a car ... as long as the car doesn't belong to the pizzeria?
Adams Considering Letting Midtown Business Group Issue Parking Tickets So NYPD Can Tackle ‘More Serious Issues’
The Department of Finance retracted its proposal to allow the 34th Street Partnership to be the first business improvement district empowered to enforce city parking rules after we started asking about it.
Cars Still Get in the Way of Containerized Trash Pickup
The Sanitation Department beat the rats, but its workers still have to take on parked cars.
As Congestion Pricing Passes, Suburban Naysayer on MTA Board Again Abuses His Placard
David Mack hates congestion pricing — but he loves complaining about people who park illegally (even as he parks illegally).
Want Parking? Kiss Goodbye Half of the Projected Housing in ‘City Of Yes’
Analysis: Modifications the mayor's City of Yes housing plan will result in less housing, experts say.
Poll: A Few Wealthy Loudmouths Want to Keep Mandatory Parking
Seventy-four percent of New York City voters support Mayor Adams's plan to eliminate minimum parking requirements for new housing developments, according to a new poll.
Study: People Want to Pay for Parking Separately From Rent
Most U.S. apartment complexes bundle the costs of parking and housing together — whether or not residents actually own a car and use that space. New research suggests that tenants might be open to a change.
Parking Lot Under the FDR Should Become Public Space: Locals
The Manhattan waterfront can do better than a parking lot.