Wow, our cartoonist Bill Roundy really took exception to Mayor de Blasio's comment last week that his Vision Zero has created a positive "experience" for city cyclists and pedestrians, who, nonetheless, continue to be killed by drivers in numbers nowhere near zero.
"Thank God we have Vision Zero as a strategy. If we didn’t, we’d be in much worse shape," the mayor told our Dave Colon last week. "I think people can see that and feel that."
Roundy certainly is not feeling the mayor's "imagine how bad it would be without me" vibe. In fact, his imagination ran wild over the weekend and he came up with a real vision for what cycling and walking could be like in this city:
- Free use of the Brooklyn Bridge!
- Car-free streets!
- Bike-only streets!
- Even birds and the sun smiling down on our heavenly city!
OK, so maybe that last one will never happen, but a blog can dream, right?
All of Bill Roundy's cartoons are archived here.