- TZB Transit Panel Focuses on Transfer Between Buses and Metro-North (Times Herald-Record)
- Kicked Out of TZB Project, Transit Scrounges for Funding (LoHud, News 12, Times Herald-Record)
- Anti-Bike-Share Nonsense Continues (NYT, Patch, Gothamist); NYT Smackdown at Bklyn Spoke
- Julio Acevedo: "I Was Not Speeding...It Was An Accident; Nothing More" (WABC)
- Smith-9th Street Station Reopens, Late and Without ADA Access (Observer, WNYC, Gothamist)
- Notary Public Biz Eschews Rented Storefront for Cheap, High-Visibility Parking Space (Post)
- NYPD Ticket Agent Spews Profanity After Getting Parking Ticket; Flees, Runs Red Light (DNA)
- Queens Civic Leader, Killed Crossing Street by Driver, Memorialized With Walking Trail (Times Ledger)
- City to Bid Out 3,100 Yellow Bus Routes in Effort to Trim Bloated Costs (News)
- A History of High Bridge, Connecting Upper Manhattan and the Bronx (NYT)
- New Speed Humps in Ditmas Park (Ditmas Park Corner)
- 5 Boro Bike Tour Will Prohibit Bags in Wake of Boston Bombings (NY1, Gothamist, DNA, SMBIVA)
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