- Commuters Cheer as MTA Reopens Old South Ferry Station (Advance, News, Gothamist)
- NYPD Releases Granular Murder Analysis (Post, CapNY); Bloomberg Meets With Gun Victims (News)
- Cy Vance Drops Ferrari Assault Case -- ADA Says Cop's Injuries Weren't Severe Enough (Post)
- Sad Video: Police Helpless to Stop Bronx Motor Bikers (Gothamist)
- Schumer Wants Washington to Help Pay for Expansion of East River Ferry Service (DNA)
- Brooklyn Paper Picks Up Campaign for Verrazano Bike-Ped Access
- Municipal Art Society Looking for New Madison Square Garden Site (Crain's)
- Second Ave Sagas Examines Northeast Corridor Improvement Plans
- Council Candidate Rory Lancman Joins Protest of NYCHA Parking Fee Hike (Times Ledger)
- How Bizarre Is It That Seth Pinsky Is Leading NYC Preparations for the Next Superstorm? (Crain's)
- Bronxites Say Majora Carter Abandoned Borough in Taking Job With Fresh Direct (NYT)
- Always Room for More in the New York Pols Hall of Shame (Post 1, 2, 3; News 1, 2)
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