- Cuomo's Federal Aid Request Is No Sure Thing (NYT)
- No Refunds for Pre-Sandy MetroCards (NYT, Post)
- Christie to End Gas Rationing; Bloomberg: "Let's Ride With It." (CBS, Post)
- Cashless Tolls Now in Effect on the Henry Hudson Bridge (DNA)
- At Least 20 Hurt, Including Pedestrian and Bus Riders, in Four Lincoln Tunnel Crashes (DNA, NY1)
- Man Struck by NYPD Billed for Damage to Cruiser (News)
- Brian Lehrer: What Would It Take to Stormproof NYC? (TransNat)
- Dozens of MTA Employees Were Stranded in Evacuation Zones During Sandy (News 1, 2)
- Cap'n Transit: Not Everything Destroyed in the Storm Should Be Rebuilt
- Adolfo Carrion Jr. "All But Certain" to Seek Republican Nomination for Mayor (NYT)
- It's Not Too Late to Sign Up for Saturday's BK Gateway Vision Launch (MTR)
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