We're hitting the final stretch of our spring fundraising drive, and Streetsblog and Streetfilms need your support to reach our goal of raising $25,000. Please give today if you value the reporting, commentary, and video that we produce. Make a donation in the next 36 hours, and you'll be in the running to win a copy of Jan Gehl's excellent new book, Cities for People.
If you support livable streets and sustainable transportation policy, giving to Streetsblog and Streetfilms is like amplifying your voice. Simply put, our content makes an impact:
- Streetsblog was the first news outlet to expose how Albany stole dedicated transit funds to plug holes in the state budget. Hundreds of millions of dollars in transit funding have been siphoned off in the past few years, leading to sweeping service cuts. Now, a year after Streetsblog's report, the state is on the cusp of passing important legislation that will protect transit riders from future raids.
- Streetsblog is the only place digging into the sordid politics behind the campaign to eliminate the Prospect Park West bike path -- a NIMBY juggernaut the likes of which the city has never seen before. Thanks to the support we get from readers, we can produce in-depth stories like last week's post on former transportation commissioner Iris Weinshall's two-year effort to undermine the project.
- Streetfilms are viewed in cities and towns across America, inspiring officials to rethink how their streets work and try new policies that encourage more people to bike and walk. The innovations that Clarence, Elizabeth, and Robin capture on video are showing the world what's possible.
Many thanks to everyone who's made a contribution so far this spring. As a little extra push for everyone who's been meaning to give and hasn't yet, here's a sample of what we've been hearing from our supporters:
"Streetsblog is invaluable, not only for it's stellar journalism but as a hub for the livable streets movement. And Streetfilms are just awesome - wonderful to watch, informative, life affirming and vitally important." – S. R.
"I give speeches and trainings all over the country on how to make bicycle-friendly communities. These videos are wonderful." – M. B.
"I think that Streetfilms and Streetsblog are doing terrific work for the world. There's a real element of public service here that allows us to have a positive impact on municipalities' policies and attitudes towards the transportation system. I'm happy to see that this work is being done in the public non-profit sphere and am happy to support it." – J. W.
Please give today and support the work of Streetsblog and Streetfilms. We can't do it without you.

-- Ben and Clarence