- Who Will Pay for the Gulf Disaster? Not Consumers of Gasoline (WaPo)
- Two Decades After Valdez, Feds and Drillers Completely Unprepared for Next Big Spill (NYT)
- State Lawmakers Pass 11th Budget Extender (NYT)
- Phase One of Second Ave Subway on Schedule; Phase Two Funding Nowhere in Sight (Crain's)
- SAS Construction Puts the Kibosh on Sidewalk Cafe Business ... (AMNY)
- ... Though Peter Vallone Might Just as Well Blame Lack of On-Street Parking (Post)
- NYSDOT: We Don't Really Want to Run the BQE Through Brooklyn Heights Brownstones (MTR)
- City Says It's Working Out the Kinks in Improved Park Circle (Bklyn Paper)
- Queens Precincts Lead City in DWI Arrests (Post, NY1)
- Pay-by-Phone Parking Comes to DC (NPR); City-Wide Car-Share Debuts in Hoboken (MTR)
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