- Cy Vance Won't Charge Former Top Cop Howard Safir for Leaving the Scene (News, City Room)
- Post Pins Blame for MTA Budget Woes on "Bean Counters," Not Legislators
- Use Stim Funds to Pay for Transit Service? MTA Still Opposed Despite Horrific Deficit... (NY1)
- ...And Even Though Stim Cash for Mega-Projects Isn't Creating Many Jobs (SAS)
- New Coalition Tells Congress to Increase Federal Support for Transit Service (MTR)
- Boston, Minneapolis Set to Launch Bike-Share Systems in a Few Months (NPR)
- Bloomberg Equates Carrying a Gun With Driving -- If You're Drunk (Bronx News)
- State Controller Auditing MTA Overtime Pay (News)
- Winner of NYC BigApps Competition Lets You Find Nearest Subway on Your Mobile Phone (News)
- Prius Owners Shell-Shocked By Safety Flaws... Imagine If They Heard Transit Is Safer, Greener (NYT)
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