- NPR Is Airing a Week-Long Series on Road Safety, With a Big Emphasis on Highways and Rural Roads
- At Sidewalk Crash in Greenpoint, NYPD Neglects to Check for Victims Under Car (NY Shitty)
- Daily News Hands Out Awards for NYC's Best Bike Lanes
- Mexico City Commuters Are Leaving Cars at Home to Ride BRT (Atlantic)
- Bike Advocates: States Can Stretch Their $ Further By Spending on Safety (MTR)
- Albany, Where "Serving the Public" Means Enriching Yourself (NYT, News)
- Unlicensed Pedicabs a New Favorite Target for Midtown Police (Post)
- Transit Psychology: How We Behave on the Subway (Slate)
- Here's a New One -- Bike Lanes, Muni-Meters Blamed for Cabbies' Bladder Discomfort (AMNY)
- The Ethicist: It's Never Okay to Phone-and-Drive (NYT Mag)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill