Last Friday afternoon my wife and I walked the Hudson River Greenway from Morningside Heights north toward home in Inwood. It was nice and warm out, and after a while we wanted water, so just south of the George Washington Bridge we decided to head over to Broadway, where we could stop for a beverage before catching a train the rest of the way. We exited the Greenway at 165th Street in Washington Heights, a route neither of us had taken before. After crossing the pedestrian bridge over the train tracks and taking a trail under the Henry Hudson Parkway and through the woods, this is what we found.

My wife and I are relatively healthy adults, and I think it's safe to say we will not be entering or exiting the Greenway at this spot again. How the city would subject anyone -- much less children, the elderly and disabled -- to such inhumane conditions defies explanation. Then again, maybe that's why there's no signage -- the Greenway at this point is as much attractive nuisance as it is public amenity.