As impassioned LSN members continue to hash out the pros and cons of the "pedestrian peek-a-boo" featured in Robin Urban Smith's daylighting Streetfilm, an uplifting success story has come to light.
Back in August, Peter Frishauf used the NYC Dangerous Intersections group to catalog a spot severely in need of some daylighting at 79th Street & Riverside Drive. He then presented the information to DOT's Manhattan Borough Commissioner Margaret Forgione. Says Peter:
"Within weeks she had engineers look at the intersection. DOT agreed with my assessment that two parking spaces be removed from the corner, and they had new signs up a few weeks later. So the lesson, here, is speak up and let DOT know."
As we've said before, it would be great to see more of the information and zeal invested in blog comments directed towards collaborative StreetsWiki and groups pages so we can better share best practices, as Peter has.
In other news, livable streets activists around the country are looking for co-conspirators in their cities:
BarokeDavid started No Cars Chicago after noticing a lack of Chicago action on the Livable Streets Network, and he's calling all Chicagoans to join him. Not content to wait six years for the Chicago 2015 Bike Plan's promise of ten new bike boulevards, he wants to "delve into what other actions could be taken to make a meaningful effect -- and in less time!" In Spokane, Washington, Josh Hogan is also searching for others interested in working for livable streets.
And finally, Yogi Hendlin tells us that the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition will be conducting LA's first-ever bicycle count to gather stats on cyclist volume and distribution. Yogi has started a Bike Count group and needs input on where to conduct the count (as well as volunteer counters). Give these guys a Valentine's Day treat by sending your Spokane, Chicago, and LA friends their way.