Next Saturday the MTA will be running a town hall-style meeting to take public input on various fare and financing options. The latest issue of Spotlight on the Region sums it up pretty well (as does the photo above):
If you are tired of public hearings where outraged citizens stand at a microphone and rant at a dais of yawning officials, you are not alone. Apparently the folks on the other side aren't happy either, so they are doing something about it.
For the first time in a long time, the MTA is taking a different approach to seeking public input about proposed fare and toll increases by offering an interactive workshop in addition to the traditional public hearing format.
Modeled after successful "town hall" - style events such as Listening to the City, which drew 5,000 participants to discuss post-9/11 plans for Lower Manhattan, the MTA's public engagement workshop aims to seek input from riders who want a more informed, meaningful process about fare options and rebuilding priorities for the future. The workshop will lay out the challenges the agency faces and encourage a healthy discussion of options and issues.
If you want to take part in this new style of public input, sign up now and show the MTA there is interest in taking a new approach. Participation is free, but space is limited to 300 seats and pre-registration required. Here's how to register:
Saturday, November 17, 2007 10:00 am - 1:30 pm (registration begins at 9:30 am) New York University - Kimmel Center KC Rosenthal Pavilion, 10th Floor 60 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012
EVENT REGISTRATION Online: www.mta.info/workshop/ Phone: 212-878-7483
Photo: Finstr/Flickr