Richard Robbins

Richard Robbins, a small business owner, cyclist, pedestrian, and car-owner, has been advocating for safe streets for decades, focusing on data-based decision-making.
To NYPD Commissioner Caban and the 24th Precinct CO: Get Your Priorities Straight
The NYPD’s approach to e-bike fatalities and to citizen complaints about e-bikes is to crack down on slow-moving traditional cyclists, presumably because they are easier to catch.
March 11, 2024
Opinion: Bring Back ‘Give Respect/Get Respect’ Campaign
If cyclists don't throw their own bad apples under the bus, we won't get safer streets, argues this West Side advocate.
September 27, 2023
OPINION: The Cost of ‘Free’ Parking is Dirty Streets and Foul Air
Our policy of forcing cars to move for street cleaning has many hidden costs, most notably the environmental effects of trading clean streets for polluted air.
March 21, 2022