In an attempt to turn Myrtle Avenue into a thriving "Main Street" for Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership is now working with Project for Public Spaces "to survey, analyze, and produce conceptual recommendations for four underutilized public and quasi-public spaces on the avenue." You can see the 4 locations they are looking at here.
At the intersection of Myrtle and Vanderbilt, tree plantings will be used to deter motorists from using the sidewalk while filling up at the Exxon station. Last week, Brownstoner reported:
Over a year ago, the Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project began brainstorming with the Project for Public Spaces to come up with some ideas for improving the four public and quasi-public spaces along Myrtle Avenue in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. One of those is the service road we discussed last month. Another is the Exxon station on the northwest corner of Myrtle and Vanderbilt Avenues. A study was undertaken to determine which of the numerous curb cuts were expendable and recommendations for the placement of four plantings was made. The property owner was game and, as you can see from the photos, the project has moved to the implementation stage.