Three weeks ago, people all around the country -- including nearly two dozen groups in New York City -- took part in National Park(ing) Day, a nationwide effort to transform public on-street parking spaces into mini-parks and community gathering places. Park Slope Neighbors intended to take part, but their team was quickly asked to move along by a local police officer who was not aware that Park(ing) Day festivities were going on all around the city.
They don't, however, intend to let their generous Park(ing) Day grant from the Citizens Committee for NYC go to waste, so they've rescheduled Park Slope Park(ing) Day. They've given the 78th Precinct the heads up, and they'll be transforming a couple of metered parking spots into a small-scale, ad hoc public park.
They invite you to come out and join them as they enjoy the sunshine, chat with friends and neighbors, and feed the meters.