- City to Add 200 Miles of Bike Lanes (WNYC)
- City Hall Promises Major Increase in Bike Lanes on Streets (NYT online)
- City Announces Plan To Add 200 Miles Of New Bike Lanes, Paths (NY1)
- Green Bike Lanes Could End City's Cycle of Violence (Post)
- City puts forth ambitious bike plan (AMNY)
- 200 more miles could enable city-wide ride (AMNY)
- Bicyclist injuries falling in NYC; death rate remains steady (AMNY)
- Critical Mass Cyclists Win Criminal Court Case (NYT)
- Silver's Moynihan Station Delay Could Prove Costly for New York (Sun)
- Brooklyn Bridge Deteriorating Due to "Fiscally Imprudent" Plan (Sun)
- Port Authority Bus Terminal Evacuated for Perfume Bottle (NYT)
- L.I. Car Flies 200 Feet Lodges Itself in 2nd Floor Bathroom (Post)
- Two Men Killed Walking Across the Van Wyck Expwy (Post)
- Long Island Motorcyclist Kills His Bike-Riding Nephew (Post)
- Truck Fire Shuts Down Gowanus Expressway Near Bay Ridge (NY1)
- Three-Car Collision in New Jersey Kills 2 and Injures 2 Others (NYT)
- Prosecutor in Queens Van Crash Inquiry Awaits Safety Board Report (NYT)
- Officer was stunned to find family in limo crash (Newsday)
Photo: JayRock on Flickr