Eric Adams
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Council Speaker Adams Says She’ll Consider Suing Mayor Adams over Streets Master Plan Failures
"Just like you have to comply with the law and I have to comply with the law, the administration has to comply with the law as well," Speaker Adams said on Thursday.
Pressure Mounts on ‘Incompetent’ Mayor Adams To Build Some Freakin’ Bus Lanes
Imagine how bad it's gotten when a TV reporter wonders aloud why Mayor Adams is so bad at buses.
‘We’ve Done An Amazing Job Building Bus Lanes,’ Says Mayor Who Keeps Killing Bus Lanes
It must be Opposite Day in Albany as Mayor Adams said something that is literally counter to the facts.
DOT Bike Lane Intros Dropped 86% in 2023
The agency hasn't announced a new bike lane since August, and advocates worry that the Adams administration will — again — miss its legal requirements for bus and bike lanes.
Zero Vision: Mayor Adams Again Shrinks from Bike and Bus Lanes in His State Of The City
"Public transit is obviously central to the state of the city," said one advocate. "The mayor knew that when he ran for office and spoke to it directly then. His silence now says a lot."
Brooklynites to Mayor: Release the Underhill Survey Findings!
A community group in the neighborhood believes the city is keeping the results secret because they would show strong support for the project.
Lifting Street Vendor Permit Cap Could Raise $17M: Watchdog
More street vendors would mean more tax revenue for the city.
New Year’s Leave! City To Kick Vendors Off Bridges Tomorrow
The vendors will be cleared off of the historic span on Wednesday.
In 2023, Mayor Adams Basically Erased the ‘Streets Master Plan’
Mayor Adams again failed spectacularly to meet a legal mandate to construct 50 miles of protected bike lanes and 30 miles of protected bus lanes. What happens now? Nothing. And therein lies the problem.
… And the Biggest Failures and Disappointments of 2023
Let's be real, 2023 was not a good year for livable streets.