Pedestrian Infrastructure
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DOT Official: All Our Free Parking Justifies Keeping Curb Space for EVs
If only someone could do something about the parking!
Adams Offers Bare Minimum to Seize Congestion Pricing’s ‘Space Dividend’ Opportunity
The mayor's list of projects supposedly meant to harness congestion pricing's expected reduction in traffic is mostly old news, according to critics.
First Look: The DOT Finally Has Plans For Its Queensboro Bridge Pedestrian Path
"We welcome the anticipated late summer 2024 opening of the walkway, but we remain concerned about date slippage," said one Council member.
Eyes on the Street: DOT Rolls Out Three New Mid-Block Crossings on Atlantic Avenue
Three new mid-block crossings began to take shape last week on Atlantic Avenue — recently dubbed "the new Boulevard of Death."
‘I’m Walkin’ Heah’! A NYC Pedestrian Looks for Answers
Streetsblog sometimes posts opinion pieces from New Yorkers who may not be as engaged on livable streets issues, but nonetheless can offer an insight. This is one of those.
Bridge Vending Ban Gains Public Support As Vendors Beg For Compromise
The street vendor "span ban" got a lot of support at a public hearing Wednesday.
Two More Community Boards Join Push For Universal Daylighting
The community board groundswell for more daylighting intersections isn't slowing down any time soon.
Brooklyn Board Wants Adams to Stop Letting Cars Dangerously Block Intersections
More than half of New York City crashes happen at intersections.
City Seeks All-Out Ban on Vendors on Every Bridge
The city seeks a "span ban" — thanks to vending overcrowding on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Two Paths Forward: Broadway Shows What Could Be on Fifth Avenue
It's time to widen Fifth Avenue's sidewalks and add a protected bike lane. Delays hurt everyone.