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Friday Video: Meet the British Cyclist Doing His Own ‘Criminal Mischief’ Campaign
Meeting England's version of our editor Gersh Kuntzman.
DOT to Albany: Don’t Forget to Reauthorize Our Life-Saving Speed Cameras
New York City's speed cameras are an unqualified success, but they still need to be renewed.
Adams Considering Letting Midtown Business Group Issue Parking Tickets So NYPD Can Tackle ‘More Serious Issues’
The Department of Finance retracted its proposal to allow the 34th Street Partnership to be the first business improvement district empowered to enforce city parking rules after we started asking about it.
How Feds Can Help End Racially Biased Policing on the Roads
Policing is often seen as a state or local issue — but US DOT could play a huge role in encouraging better practices, a new report argues.
NYPD Offers Few Details About Supposed Crackdown on Illegal Mopeds
The NYPD conducted a weekend blitz of illegal mopeds and other devices — but beyond that, the agency isn't saying much.