Our old man editor uses his air conditioner four times a year — but, wouldn't you know, the A/C broke on Saturday (high in the 90s) and he's so verklempt that he told us to just push the headlines through while he waits for the repairman to come, hopefully today.
So here goes:
- Hey, driver, I said "Bedford Avenue," not "Bedroom Avenue." (NYDN, NY Post, NY Times)
- Someone who doesn't like Maya Wiley's belief in defunding the police dropped a dime on her with the NY Post. But the tabloid gave her fair coverage for her position that the NYPD crackdown in Washington Square and Tompkins Square parks is a waste of money. And Gothamist covered the issue the way it's supposed to be covered: as a major issue of policing public space.
- Advocates rallied in The Bronx for more money from the federal government for subway accessibility. (amNY)
- ICYMI: Streetsblog put in several requests to interview DOT open streets czar Kyle Gorman after he was verbally assaulted by car owners in Greenpoint earlier this year — but, instead, the agency made him available for a puff piece in the Times about where he gets drinks. Ah, well, at least we know where we can stalk Gorman and ask him about the latest developments in the Mystery of the Amazon Truck and the Stolen Driggs Avenue Barricades.
- The New York Times's Metropolitan Diary continues its obsession with cars. The latest entry is yet another attempt to normalize (and even salute) a tiny number of city residents' bizarre, inefficient, wasteful and tribal alternate-side-of-the-street rituals.
- In case you missed it, our new investigative reporter Jesse Coburn had a fun story about how Eric Adams is apparently winning the car-owner vote.
- And, finally, the "War on Cars" podcast has a fun one about LEGO: