- By Taking Bill to Albany, Bloomberg Avoided Taxi Lobby's Powerful Hold on City Council (NYT)
- Yassky and Goldsmith Make the Case for Livery Street Hails With Bill Stuck in Senate (Post 1, 2)
- Albany Deal on Rent Regulation, Property Tax Cap to Shape Development Patterns (NYT)
- Over Seven Hours, No Tickets for Fake "New York State Numismatic Agency" Placard (News)
- Jason Gay: The Bikelash Couldn't Overcome the Facts On the Ground (WSJ)
- Smith/9th Street Station Closed for Repairs for Next Nine Months (2nd Ave Sagas)
- Decreased Demand Leads to Manhattan Bus Cuts During Rush Hour (DNAinfo)
- Skeleton Speed Boards First Deployed in Sunset Park, Elmhurst (NY1)
- LI Bus Labor Contracts May Still Hold After Nassau Privatizes Services (Newsday)
- Teen Assaults Bus Driver After Her Dog Not Allowed on Bus (News)
- Meeks, Schumer, Gillibrand Fight Against Development at St. Alban's Veterans Hospital (News)
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