From Clinton Hill Blog via Gothamist:
Since I’ve been biking a lot lately, I’vecome to realize how wonderful bike lanes actually are. I’m pleased tosay that we now have a bike lane on both Myrtle AND DeKalb! However, Ihave noticed that the DeKalb bike lane seems to be contributing to thebottle necking that happens around Classon Ave, causing a backup.
It’s not actually the bike lane that’s causing this.
The cause is the police parking. Cop cars cut off an entire lanejust west of Classon on DeKalb, and now that practice has become evenmore dangerous.
This intersection has already become atraffic nightmare, and now cyclists have to divert out into trafficthat’s already dangerous. Surely there must be a better way to arrangethis. With a huge increase in neighborhood traffic (especially onSundays with the Flea), this isn’t cool.
Speaking of bike lanes, WE NEED ONE ON LAFAYETTE AVENUE!!! ASAP!!!