The Grand Army Plaza Coalition, which recently won a grant from the Design Trust for Public Spaces, has launched an Ideas Competition for its Reinventing Grand Army Plaza project. If you want to participate, answer the following questions in full sentences, and email your responses by the end of the week to survey@reinventingGAP.org.
1. What is great about Grand Army Plaza?
2. What existing problems could be addressed by a Plaza re-design?
3. What potential uses or opportunities for the Plaza might a Plaza re-design incorporate?
Additionally, GAPco organizer Rob Witherwax writes:
Next week there is an important meeting of the Community Board 6 Transportation committee. Please try to attend:
WHEN: Thursday, 17 January 2008, 6.30 PM
WHERE: Prospect Park Residence, 1 Prospect Park West (at Union Street)
AGENDA: Discussion with representatives for the Department of Transportation on pending traffic calming request for Prospect Park West and 8th Avenue, and for decongesting Union Street approach to the Grand Army Plaza.
Photo: pianoman75/Flickr