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Report: Congestion Pricing Will Be a Huge Boost for Transit Workers

Here are 3.2 billion reason for transit workers to get on board the congestion pricing train.

October 17, 2023

Crunching the Data on the Record-Setting Year For Cyclist Deaths

Ninety-four percent of the year's record-setting number of bike deaths occurred on streets without protected bike lanes.

October 17, 2023

Another DMV Employee Helped Disgraced Cop Cheat the System

For the second time in as many months, the NYPD has disciplined a police officer who claimed a DMV employee told him how to scam the agency's own system to get his car re-registered after allowing his insurance to lapse.

October 16, 2023

Hey, Bike Haters, You Will Lose the Culture War You’re Starting

For some reason, people who choose to get around by car are waging a culture war against people who point out the negatives of auto-centric roadways. But the haters will not prevail.

October 12, 2023

Adams: Eliminating ‘Parking’ for Trash is ‘Small Price to Pay’

Let's hope Hizzoner still feels that way when angry motorists throw a fit about the loss of "parking."

October 11, 2023

Opinion: Holden’s E-Bike License Proposal Misses the Mark on Pedestrian Safety

A bill backed by a majority of City Council members would create a bureaucratic nightmare and discourage e-bike use while ignoring the root of the problem: lackluster infrastructure and unsafe work standards.

October 11, 2023

Wife of Killed Cyclist Adam Uster: ‘Mayor Adams Doesn’t Care If It’s Safe to Ride a Bike in NYC’

As cyclists prepare to ride in protest from Union Square to City Hall on Wednesday, Frédérique Uster-Hug blames the mayor for the chaos on our roads.

October 10, 2023

Talking Headways Podcast: Bringing Public Health to Traffic Safety

For too long, public health officials have been absent from discussion of the very public health crisis of road violence. That ends today in a very special episode.

October 9, 2023

Party Time: MTA Joins Legal Battle to Defend Congestion Pricing Against Jersey Suit

The MTA sought to join forces with the federal Department of Transportation to fight a specious lawsuit by New Jersey seeking to stall congestion pricing.

October 6, 2023