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Cargo bikes

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Industry and Public Don’t Like DOT’s Proposed Cargo Bike Rules

This freight bike rule is going to be a heavy lift, the Department of Transportation learned on Wednesday.

September 13, 2023

Opinion: NYC Can Lead the Freight Delivery Revolution … If DOT Gets Smart About Rules

A cargo-bike industry leader speaks out about backwards rules proposed by DOT on the eve of Wednesday's hearing.

September 12, 2023

DOT Commish: We Want to Get the Rules Right for Cargo Bikes

The head of the city Department of Transportation answers back after two Streetsblog posts raised doubts about new cargo bike rules.

September 7, 2023

Opinion: Don’t Screw Up Bike Freight Deliveries by Drafting Bad Rules

Another cargo bike industry leader has come forward to complain about the DOT's proposal to limit bike length and allow for four-wheeled vehicles.

August 31, 2023

Industry Leaders Slam DOT’s Proposed Cargo Bike Rules

Leaders in the freight industry say that proposed city rules to regulate transporting freight by bike will not only destroy the one sector of the business that is currently working well, but will also choke off some innovation for the foreseeable future.

August 21, 2023