Our national cartoonist has read all the coverage of the death and destruction that drivers cause on Hamilton Avenue, which is, effectively, the lower level of the Gowanus Expressway.
Last month's death of Imorne Horton, who was killed as he crossed the eight-lane semi-highway at Court Street in Carroll Gardens, was just the latest carnage on a speedway that is poorly designed in low-income Red Hook and low-income Sunset Park, but suddenly turns quiet and residential when it gets to tony Bay Ridge.
Worse, the city has studied making Hamilton Avenue (and below it, Third Avenue) safer, but almost nothing has been done.
Well, cartoonist Bill Roundy picked the perfect visual metaphor: Hamilton Avenue is a beast that must be slayed — and DOT has the tools. It just needs to pick one. And if the agency doesn't act, Sleepy de Blasio needs to wake from his slumber.
All of Bill Roundy's cartoons are archived here.