In case you missed it, Citi Bike had its two-millionth trip on Sunday, 76 days after the system went live.
Citi Bike continues to rack up phenomenal numbers for a program that's just out of the gate. London bike-share had 810,000 trips in June, and just under 999,000 in July -- roughly the same number of trips as NYC during that period, though Barclays Cycle Hire has about 2,000 more bikes than Citi Bike.
On August 6, Citi Bike riders took over 42,000 daily trips for the first time, an average of seven trips per bike. London has never topped six trips per bike per day, and Velib averages about five trips per bike.
The Times reported today how Citi Bike is working to keep up with demand. NYPD's ham-fisted approach to "bike enforcement" be damned.