- Jeff Klein Sides With Senate Republicans in Power-Sharing Arrangement (NYT, Crain's, News)
- The Lhota-for-Mayor Trial Balloon May Turn Into a Real Candidacy Soon (NYT)
- Can Off-Set Bus Lanes Lift 125th Street Bus Riders Out of the Traffic Quagmire? (DNA)
- Occupy Sandy, Please Stick to Stellar Relief Work and Stay Out of Transportation Policy (DNA)
- Bike Corral Sprouts on Franklin Ave, the Fourth One in Brooklyn Since Last August (Patch, Bklyn Spoke)
- Bklyn Paper Tale of Woe Has It All: A Blocked Driveway, Un-used Gas, Cruising for Parking, Etc.
- Inside the Entitled Minds Behind the Red Light Camera Lawsuit (Advance)
- Suffolk Adopts Countywide Complete Streets Policy (MTR)
- Footage of Jay-Z Riding the R Is Great Transit-Oriented Propaganda (Gawker)
- Attn: Publishers -- #BikeNYC Photog Dmitry Gudkov Looking for a Book Deal! (ArtCrank)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill