Former Streetsblog reporter Noah Kazis noted in 2010 how NYPD had commandeered sidewalks and bike lanes outside Harlem's 28th Precinct, on St. Nicholas Avenue between 122nd and 123rd Streets.
"These aren’t just squad cars positioned for a speedy exit in case of emergency," Noah wrote. "Many of the cars appear to be personal vehicles bearing police union bumper stickers or other markers that the owner carries some official authority."
Two years later, nothing has changed. A reader sent us these photos of cruisers and officers' personal vehicles, still stored on the street in a manner that renders the bike lanes unusable.
"One of the only bike lanes in Harlem is constantly blocked," our tipster writes. "As a result, bikes have to steer into traffic and risk an accident."
To ask that NYPD stop endangering Harlem cyclists and pedestrians, readers can call the precinct at 212-678-1611, contact Giji James at Community Board 10, or file a complaint on the DOT web site.
Better still might be a visit to the precinct's next community council meeting. The 28th Precinct council meetings happen at 6:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at 2271-89 Eighth Avenue. The community affairs number is 212-678-1622.