After a relaxing long weekend, it's a busy week for livable streets, with an urban vs. suburban debate, two important Manhattan community board meetings, and a weekend packed with opportunities to walk or bike New York City's streets, ending in the Tour de Queens.
- Wednesday: Sprawl booster Joel Kotkin debates Christopher Leinberger of the Brookings Institution on the future of the American landscape. Kenneth Jackson moderates. 6 p.m.
- Also Wednesday: Manhattan Community Board 8 hears a presentation from NYCDOT on giving buses priority on the Queensboro Bridge. 6:30 p.m.
- Thursday: The full board of Manhattan Community Board 5 will vote on the Union Square ped/bike improvements, which were approved by CB 5's transportation committee. 6 p.m.
- Saturday: Summer brings lots of car-free spaces, bike training courses and rides.
- Sunday: The 2010 Tour de Queens. 8 a.m.
Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.