Brooklyn Community Board 2, NYCDOT, and City Council members Steve Levin and Letitia James are putting on a public meeting tonight to get feedback on the two-way protected bike path with planted pedestrian medians proposed for Brooklyn's Flushing Avenue. The project is part of the footprint of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway and would form an important connection to three East River bridges and Brooklyn Bridge Park.
A source tells us that supporters of safer biking and walking should come ready to respectfully make their case and to keep an open mind about how to tailor the project to address local concerns. (I don't have specifics yet on what those concerns might be.) If you live close to Flushing, your voice will carry a lot of weight. The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. Here's where to go:
Navy Yard Houses - Community Room
45 N. Elliott Pl. (bet. Park & Flushing Aves.)