It's a quiet week on the calendar, highlighted by Sunday's Tour de Bronx. History buffs may also consider stopping by the New York City Transit Museum on Sunday for a look back at the last day of the Myrtle Avenue El, which departed Borough Hall for the final time in October 1969.
- Wednesday: Transportation Alternatives Bronx Committee meeting. The Bronx Committee is one of TA’s mostsuccessful volunteer campaigns. Founded in 1994, the committee was involved in developing theBronx Greenway Plan and organizing the first Safe Routes to Schoolprogram in North America. The committee also partners with the Bronx borough president’s office on the Tour de Bronx, which marks its 15th year this weekend. 7 p.m.
- Sunday: 15th Annual Tour de Bronx, a free bike tour offering 25- and40-mile routes, and including a NYC DOT bike helmet giveaway. Staggeredstart times. Advance registration required. Register online by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 15.
- Sunday: Artist Theresa King leads a gallery tour of her New York Transit Museum exhibit on the Last Day of the Myrtle Avenue Elevated Train. The exhibit runs through February 28, 2010.
Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.