For pedestrians, yesterday was a grand opening of sorts at the 3rd Street entrance to Prospect Park. The city officially closed off this access point to cars, giving people on foot a safe, unimpeded crossing and some additional car-free space during the p.m. rush. Before long, however, the barricades somehow shifted several feet to the right, creating an illegal traffic lane (the handiwork of a miffed motorist, the theory goes).
Half an hour after the closure took effect, reader David Alquist snapped these pics of drivers taking advantage of the opening and disregarding the posted sign. It's a familiar sight, and one that park visitors shouldn't have to put up with any more. We're told the 78th Precinct will have a traffic cop stationed here at rush hour today to enforce the new rule and help motorists adjust. Something like this might also do the trick. In case you're wondering, when the city completes the protected bike path along Prospect Park West, this entrance will be kept clear of parked cars in order to maintain access for emergency vehicles and cyclists.
Back to David's pics. Note the parents and young children on the other side of the barrier...

One more after the jump.