For those who've come to rely on Mobilizing the Region, the always informative newsletter from the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, TSTC has some bad news -- and some very, very good news.
The bad news is the newsletter will soon be discontinued. The very, very good news is that it will be replaced by the new Mobilizing the Region daily blog.
Why did we make the change? The primary reason is that the blog format allows us to be both timelier and more thorough with our news coverage. We’re also intrigued by the ways in which blogging can help expand and mobilize the advocacy community. There may be other benefits to joining the blogosphere we haven’t even thought of yet; we’re new to this, after all.
Welcome, TSTC. Get your coffee brewing and prepare to feed the beast. Don't allow a frothy comments section to let you forget that most of the real advocacy work takes place out there in meat-space not here in cyberland. We look forward to re-purposing your content.