The Dept. of Transportation is announcing that it will add one additional hour of car-free time to Central Park's West Drive during morning rush hour starting Monday, August 6. No incremental improvements have been announced for Brooklyn's Prospect Park. Here is DOT's announcement:
Beginning Monday, August 6th, theWestDrive of CentralPark between LenoxAvenue and the 7th Avenue Exit will be closed to motorvehicles for an additional hour (7-8am) during the morning peak period. Currently, the WestDrive is open to motor vehicles between the hours of7-10am and operates as an HOV 2+ only roadway. With this change, theWestDrive will be open to motor vehicles between thehours of 8-10am only and will continue to operate as an HOV 2+ roadway. Thisadditional hour of closure of the West Drive to motor vehicles provides anadditional hour of conflict-free recreational use during the early morninghours.
It's nice to see progress but if this is a symbolic step to a "Greater, Greener New York," it sure is a small one.
Photo: Lenox Ave. entrance, Sunday night