kablooey wrote:
Concerning the NY Waterway bus that hit a cyclist on the Hudson River Greenway recently, I received a letter from Noah Budnick Deputy Director of Transportation Alternatives. He wrote:
Thanks for checking in. In fact, the cyclist's father called me last week to get legal advice. He said that his daughter is doing ok, all things considered. I believe she broke her collar bone (not 100% sure) and scraped up her legs pretty bad.
If you are compelled, it would be great if you could write a quick letter to New York Waterways imploring them to ensure that their bus drivers always yield to people biking and walking on the greenway.
Here's their contact info:
NY Waterway460 12th AvenueNew York, NY 10018
Noah S. BudnickDeputy Director AdvocacyTransportation Alternatives