Kevin Duggan
Kevin Duggan joined Streetsblog in October, 2022, after covering transportation for amNY. Duggan has been covering New York since 2018 after getting his masters in journalism from Dublin City University in Ireland. After some freelancing, he landed a job with Vince DiMiceli’s Brooklyn Paper, where he covered southern Brooklyn neighborhoods and, later, Brownstone Brooklyn. He’s on Twitter at @kduggan16. And his email address is
DOT’s Upper West Side ‘Smart Curbs’ Struggles to Claw Back Free Parking
One local advocate said the whole point of the pilot was to test the idea of charging for valuable curb space on a large scale. So what happened?
Disused Brooklyn Piers to Be ‘Key Node’ for Blue Highway
The city is starting to move ahead with a waterborne cargo plan after its acquisition of crucial Red Hook piers from the Port Authority.
‘Cutting Corners’: City Juices Stats for Intersection Safety Upgrades
The Adams administration is fudging the numbers to overstate its daylighting progress after the mayor's 2023 pledge to do 1,000 intersections per year.
Brooklyn’s Waterfront Greenways Are For Transportation, Too: Report
Thousands of cyclists rely on the Brooklyn waterfront greenway to commute to work each day, according to a new study.
Adams’s Fifth Avenue Plan Will Make Bus Riders Suffer: Experts
The Fifth Avenue plan is bad news for bus riders, experts say.
‘Surrender’: Adams Cuts Bus, Bike Lanes From Fifth Ave. Plan
Fifth Avenue will get more sidewalk, but bus riders and cyclists have to make way for the almighty car.
Adams Must Avoid Berlin Wall of Sidewalk Garbage Cans: Experts
The Adams administration's refusal to put containers in the street could clog sidewalks and thwart a promising policy initiative, according to a new report.
Manhattanites To DOT: Open Queensboro Bridge Pedestrian Path ‘Without Delay’
"It’s really inappropriate for the DOT to delay," said one member of Manhattan Community Board 6.
City Delays Road Diet Under BQE Despite Hyping Its ‘Reconnect Communities’ Effort
Officials touted new concepts to improve the streetscape around the BQE — but was wavering on plans to do just that on Third Avenue in Sunset Park, Streetsblog has learned.
Council Bill Would Shift Taxi Driver Crash Costs onto Victims: Experts
Lower insurance for cabbies could mean higher costs for crash victims.