- Cuomo: Cannibalizing Transit Funds "Will Create Jobs and Get Economy Back on Track" (TransNat)
- The Governor's Wheeling and Dealing Feeds the Rest of the State By Starving NYC (WSJ)
- Transit Advocates Pledge to Make Voices Heard Loud and Clear (CapitalNY)
- Kabak: Make Suburbs Pay for Lost MTA Revenue
- Restoring the 2010 Service Cuts? Won't Happen as Long as MTA Budget Keeps Disintegrating (News)
- 83 Percent of Likely NYC Voters Support Stepped Up Speeding Enforcement (WSJ)
- Hakeem Jeffries: Require NYPD Officers to Live in Five Boroughs (AP via @noahbudnick)
- Danger at Navy Street Footbridge, Where Kids Hurl Bricks and Rocks at Passing Cyclists (Bklyn Paper)
- Silver Pleads For Cuomo to Sign Borough Taxi Bill (NY1)
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