Just a quick reminder about the NYCDOT open houses for the 34th Street Transitway, to be held today and Thursday. Though the initial plan to make 34th Street more accessible to the vast majority of its users has been compromised considerably, bus riders and pedestrians still have a lot to gain by making their presence felt at these hearings.
- Open House East: Wednesday, March 30, 6 - 8 p.m. Norman Thomas High School, 6th floor cafeteria, 111 East 33rd Street (between Park and Lexington).
- Open House West: Thursday, March 31, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The New Yorker Hotel, Sutton Place Room, 481 Eighth Avenue (at 34th St.).
DOT will present preliminary plans for the corridor and will take public comments at both meetings. For more info, contact Veronica Bailey-Simmons at (917) 339-0488 or at vbailey@hshassoc.com.